Archive for November, 2012

Take a tour of FRC

Monday, November 12th, 2012

FRC was recently featured on our local public access cable TV station (Smithtown Government Television). Brian Roehrich leads the tour of our facilities in this 12 minute video filmed earlier this year (2012) which includes all major production and assembly areas.

Did SANDY affect FRC?

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

FRC is located well inland and did not sustain any damage due to the recent storm. We did lose electric and phones for two days but we are up and running and have scheduled overtime *to ensure that deliveries are not impacted*. We appreciate all the good wishes!

Power was restored to FRC late on Oct 31st. Some internal computer systems suffered damage but those have been replaced and operations were in full swing by 1pm Nov 1st. Some employees are still without power in their homes or without telephone service and gas lines have been a hassle. Our main phone lines were out (including our fax line) for another day or two though we were able to operate on backup lines during that time.

from Google’s Crisis Map for Sandy